Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Zoos Preserve Chilean Flamingos

One way that zoos preserve the Chilean flamingos bright pink colour, is that they provide/feed food that contain more carotenoids, such as shrimp and fish. This will appeal to the viewers at the zoo. This also appeals to other Flamingos because the brighter the colour of feathers, the quicker mating happens. This will eventually re-populate the Chilean Flamingos. 
That is one way to conserve the Chilean Flamingos.

Another way zoos preserve the Chilean Flamingo, is to create muddy, high pH level ponds for the Flamingo to live in. Flamingos have scaly feet to protect themselves from the pH water. If there is no pH water, they feel out of place and disoriented. Many Flamingos have been know to pass away because their habitat is all wrong, they are not used to it.

And the last way zoos preserve the Chilean Flamingos, is that they lay out mud to make a nest for the baby flamingo eggs. This will help the process of incubation. If there are no nests, many of the eggs would not hatch because the parent could not sit on the egg and keep it warm.  

egg hatching